Common questions
What is the dosage of milk powder for lambs?
The recommended dosage is 160-180 gram per liter of water. The detailed preparation instructions are on the package.
What should be the water temperature?
The temperature for mixing should be 42° C.
What is the risk of an incorrect dosage of powder for nursing?
Too low a dosage is liable to cause malnutrition, resulting in consuming more liquids, which cause diarrhea and bloating. Too high a dosage is liable to cause difficulties with digestion, and diarrhea.
Is the powder suitable for both lambs and kids?
Should the powder dosage be changed if the lambs have diarrhea?
First, check whether the preparation was carried out according to the instructions (dosage and temperature). It is advisable to change the dosage only after consulting with a veterinarian.
What is the permissible range of the powder dosage for prepared milk?
100-200 grams per liter. See the feed table (link to the feed table).
Is the dosage different for once-a-day and twice-a-day feeding?
What is the best temperature for feeding?
38-40° C.
Should the dosage be changed based on the outside temperature?
When the temperature is below 20° C, it is recommended to add 50 grams for each 5° C (in other words, 200 grams for 20° C, 250 grams for 15° C, and so on) milk replacer per calf per day to provide the calf with the energy it needs to cope with low temperatures.
Should no milk be given if a calf has diarrhea?
In this case, it is possible to give the calf electrolytes for one or two days. In any event, consult with a veterinarian.
What is the recommended feed table?
Is there a difference in the handling of a bull or cow calf?
Should feeding be by bucket or bottle?
Feeding by a nipple is better, because it optimally simulates natural nursing.
Should the drinking of water be limited?
It is recommended not to give young calves, up to two weeks old, water immediately following feeding with milk.
What is the importance of casein in the milk replacer formula?
Casein is very important as the protein helps exaggeration and causes optimal milk utilization.
What is the importance of the protein percentage in the milk replacer?
The proportion of milk protein of all the proteins in the product is very important, because milk protein is digested optimally by the young calf’s digestive system.